Tuesday, January 01, 2008

6 months or so

I only seem to post here every 6 months or so.
Yes, I know, for someone who in real life talks a bit too much, I sure
don't type them out. . . Or do I?
I do have another blog on the intratubes, but even there, I am not
posting much. Just some talk of Bow Making (as Bowyer, not ribbons and
bows, or the bow of a boat. . . damned english language.) and a few
sparse comments on others' blogs and journals.
I gave up poking Liberals on certain forums, They have no reasoning and
have no idea how to argue a point. They also love to call people they
dissagree with liars, because you can prove your points. I don't take
being called a liar well.
The reason was someone was pooh-poohing the hardships of the take over
of Vietnam and Cambodia. "It wasn't that bad, John Kerry said so, himself!."
How many Vietnamese did this person know?, or had talked to in thier life?
But the RVN General I met, who got everyone in his family, and most of
his civilian staff, onto helicopters, at the expense of missing the last
flight out himself, causing him to hide in an Underground Railroad style
escape for quite some time, finally escape and get to the USA, find his
scattered family. Not a valid story. The old man I knew, who managed to
get here, save every penny and buy bicycles to be sent over there,
scrape and save by eating as cheaply as possible, FINALLY< get enough to
ransom that son out of the country to freedom...means nothing.
The customer I had who lost his parents while in a re-education camp,
manage to get enough of a bribe to get here, work years scrimping and
saving by wearing only his work uniforms for the Firestone tire store
and beat up old sneakers, finally saving enough to send the money to
bribe his wife's freedom and a plane ticket (The bribe was much much
higher than the ticket. . . and though they hate us, the Commie
officials sure love hard cash US Dollars by the buckets full). Well,
that's a nice story, but I am a liar because, although I gave them THAT
man's business phone number, His story is likely false, because Kerry
said the people he was led to by his keeper/guide when he went back
claimed they were treated just peachy in the Re-ed camps. . . those
torture stories? Well they would never say that. But if they did, even 
with the man who would have them killed for saying so right there, they
surely would tell the great Kerry if mistreatment happened.

After that bit. I was told I was lying about not having insurance and
getting Gastro Enteritis. Hospitals won't treat people without
insurance, everyone KNOWS that. No matter I still owe $4400 3 years
later. and my credit is shot from it draining what little I had left in
my accounts. I even put the $150 emergency room charge on a credit 
card, and the rest was billed. . . want to see the bill? Nope. I'm
lying, they turned some lady away in such and such. . . they saw it
somewhere. Did they know anyone, first hand, who was turned away? NO. Do
they know, an Emergency room turning one away and the person is either
more severely damaged or dies from lack of treatment leaves to door wide
open for John Edwards types to sue the everliving hell out of the
E-Room? Well, yeah. Do you know of any hospital that is willing to risk
that? They didn't. But I'm the liar.

I rant again. . . 6 months from now....I'll likely rant again