Thursday, June 21, 2007

A bit on Stem Cells

As you may know, Pres. Bush Vetoed, again, a bill on embryonic Stem Cell research.

Now Mr. President has his reasons for this that rankle the hackles of the leftists out there and those who are wishing for miracles but really don't know what is really going on.

His reasons are his, and he is the CIC and POTUS, so he can do this. But his reasons, flawed I may find them (I do not believe in a god of any sort) helped kill a bill I wish to be killed.

Why would I feel this way?
Well, if you really look into the advances in stem cells, and there are plenty, and look at the lines showing great promise and best effects, you will find that none of these lines are Embryonic. ESC lines have so far managed to, when tested, do nothing much but kill the test subject. Oh, sure. They managed to treat Parkinson's in a few rats, but the cells then became tumors that killed the rats(in far less time than the rats would have lived with untreated Parkinson's), and other lines are better working and don't kill the test subjects. The lines showing promise are getting federal funds, i.e. my money, and I am fine with this.
Those lines are also getting lots of private funding. Private funding tends to go to things that will bring a good return for the money. Like investing in a stock or commodity, moneyed folk tend to hedge bets in medical funding. One hates to toss money down a black hole unless you're Soros or his like who see anything that pushes their agenda a good thing. Folk like that would fund a Dodo hunt or a moon shot powered by rubber bands if they could gain some political advantage from it. Or just find a way to blame Bush/Chaney/Rove/Libby if it failed.

So what we got here is an attempt to get us, the American Tax Payers, to pay for something the private sector avoids like the money pit it is.
Let me put it simply.
There are two medical treatments.
One shows good promise, has worked some in testing, is showing signs of expanding it's treatment abilities,
The other has failed every time and kills the test subjects with depressing regularity.
Which one would you want your money spent on?
Me too.